See report of suspicious individuals attempting to break into cars near complex on Saturday morning. Thanks to the alertness of residents and all of you for doing your part ensuring your vehicles were secure and no valuables left in sight, would be thieves were unsuccessful.

“Observe it, Report it”

FILE NUMBER: 16-102059

DATE & TIME: Sunday, July 17th 2016 at 3:05 AM

LOCATION: 30 Avenue and possibly 30B Avenue and at 3109 161st Street, All vehicles parked overnight on the North side of 161st Street the evening of Saturday, July 16th.


A male and female parked their noisy white sports coupe with a distinctive black hood behind black Chevy Suv parked just behind the pathway off 161 at approximately 3am. They were seen walking across the street and walking past the house located at 3078 where all motion lights turn on. They were wondering around (possibly intoxicated) towards 160th, possibly headed up 30B and then headed across the north side back towards 161st east. Suspects started checking the car door handles on vehicles to see if any cars were unlocked but Complainant could not really see all the vehicles they were trying. The guy was on the street side and the girl was on the sidewalk side checking vehicles.

Surrey RCMP Non-Emergency was called immediately but they were unsuccessful and suspects may have headed more east to the homes up 161st. RCMP arrived at 3:22 AM in the cul de sac across from the entrance and then headed to locate them.

At 3:39 AM, Constable Aylett called and advised the suspects were stopped on 24th and questioned them and identified the individuals, however were not apprehended because there was no evidence of a crime being committed. The main thing is that the suspects know someone was watching them. Their information remains on file with The RCMP. Hopefully, they will keep away from our neighbourhood.

If there was such a break into their vehicle, RCMP should be called at 604-599-0502 and quote the File number.

By Tom