Police Week
Title: Celebrate Police Week with the Surrey RCMP Come celebrate and help us kick-off Police Week by visiting the Surrey RCMP’s Open House at our Main Detachment (14355 57th Avenue)…
Creating community, Experience the difference
Title: Celebrate Police Week with the Surrey RCMP Come celebrate and help us kick-off Police Week by visiting the Surrey RCMP’s Open House at our Main Detachment (14355 57th Avenue)…
10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft Shielding your private information with no risk of a breakdown may be impossible these days. But there are some simple ways to…
Hurrah, the pool is open beginning Sunday April 16th. Everyone is encouraged to read and follow the rules governing the use of the pool and hot tub and have a…
If you are interested in having your Tilley furnace filter replaced with retrofit filter assembly ( Media air cleaner and cabinet) to house a 4 inch filter please comment to…
Ever wonder how to repair drywall cracks easily and with a professional look, wonder no more.