Good Morning Block Watch Members,

Back due to popular demand, our Landlord/Tenant Best Practices Session presented by a representative from the Residential Tenancy Branch and hosted here at the Newton Community Police Station. This a great session, filled with information for those who are already Landlords/Tenants, thinking about becoming one in the future, or just have questions that you would like to ask the experts. Please pass this invite on to  your Block Watch participants and encourage them to attend if this is relevant to your neighbourhood.

Our first session of the year will be held:

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2016

Time: 6 PM – 8 PM

Location: 7235 137th Street (Newton Community Police Station)

Please note that late admission will not be accepted as the event is being held outside regular office hours. Doors will be locked at 6:10 PM.

Please allow for sufficient time to find parking. RSVP is required due to limited seating available.


By Tom