The following report is from a neighbouring Block Watch Captain. As always be vigilant and do not leave valuables or garage Door openers in your car. Don’t be a victim and if you see any suspicious activity, please report it to the police.

FILE NUMBER:  2016-104632

DATE & TIME:  Friday, July 22 at 4:04 a.m.

LOCATION:  28B Ave between 161 & 160A Street


Two Caucasian males were spotted on 28B Avenue using flashlights or the light from their smart-phones looking in vehicles parked on the north side of the street.  They were walking west when they were spotted and left quickly towards 160A St.  The person who spotted them thinks he may have alerted them when he closed the door after trying to get a better look.  Police were called and arrived within 10 minutes.  The two individuals were described as approximately 20 to 25 years old, male, Caucasian, 5’8” to 5’10”, average build, wearing dark colored ball caps, “boarding shorts”, light-weight jackets.

The person who spotted them was advised by the RCMP that another call had just been received reporting the suspicious activity.   The thieves are breaking vehicle windows now when they find valuables or see a remote which was experienced by one of our neighbors on July 4.  If they get a remote they normally use it to break into the garage and house if the door to the house from the garage is not locked, or they may return later when they think no one is home.

Also stay safe and in your home behind locked doors if you are witnessing a crime or suspicious activity and call 9-1-1 immediately.

Mary Ann Aldus

Block Watch Captain District 5-363


By Tom