Theft from autos are crimes of opportunity and are preventable.

Everyone has a role to play in reducing incidents of auto crime. These simple prevention tips will help Ridge Meadows RCMP reduce the likelihood of you becoming a victim.

What you can do to avoid auto crime

  • Don’t leave anything in your vehicle (ie. Loose change/ smart phones/ wallets or purses)
  • Treat your keys like cash and keep them secure
  • Garage door openers should not be left in your vehicle |even at work or car park. Thieves can break into your car steal opener and registration and then break into house while your at work.
  • Invest in a good anti-theft device
  • Close windows and lock doors.
  • Park in open, well lit areas
  • Wait for the gate to close behind you when entering your underground parkade
  • Leaving the holder for a GPS unit (or other hand held personal device) visible may alert thieves to the fact that valuables may be stored in your car (ie. glove box)

 How to report a theft
If you witness a theft in progress, dial 911 immediately. All other incidents call Surrey RCMP Non-Emergency 604-599-0502


Sent on Behalf of the Safety and Security Committee

Wills Creek| Creating Community – Experience the Difference

By Tom