160 St widening – Changes proposed by City of Surrey

Your strata council has been actively involved with  your neighbouring stratas’, to understand how the continued design revisions will impact our and your surroundings. Just last week we hosted a meeting to continue our discussions on the recent design changes. In attendance were council members from, Hearthstone, Prima, Blue Living, Wills Creek.

Although the position of your strata council has been clear from day one, “we dont agree with the proposed changes, however the development of 160 will advance” We have also been clear from day one, “this is NOT a strata council matter to attend too” we are simply acting as a single source conduit for efficient information flow. The primary responsibility of whether this project advances “as is and as proposed” is completely in the hands of the homeowners. therefore, if you disagree with the current proposed changes, (see attached details) I would encourage you to contact the City project manager and offer your comments.

for example (please see supporting documents)

  • the city will be installing a traffic circle just inside Morgan Creek to facilitate Wills Creek residence who wish to head South on 160 (towards Home Depot)
  • therefore, exiting 3122, you will only be able to exit right or North, left or south exit will not be allowed

What’s changed as a result of Public Engagement

  • Addition of left turn out merge lane to 160 Street for residents of BLU and Prima ·Addition of traffic circle at Morgan Creek Way & Canterbury Drive providing U-turn capability for residents of Wills Creek
  • New advanced left turn arrow phase for the northbound traffic signal at 32 Avenue ·Traffic study initiated to assess extended left turn bays at 28 Avenue

*Check out the Revised Project Designs which are presented in draft concept and will now prepared in detailed design.

Addition of a traffic circle at Morgan Creek Way and Canterbury Drive.

This solution is proposed to provide southbound access on 160 Street for the Wills Creek townhomes. Residents of the 25 units will need to travel north on 160 Street through 32 Avenue to Canterbury Drive and use the traffic circle to make a U-turn movement to return southbound on 160 Street. The 500m detour is consistent with access restrictions in locations that have well connected grid road network. A two-way left turn lane option was also reviewed, but proved to be an unacceptable alternative due to safety concerns that would result from conflicting turning movements.

– As well, many of you have asked about increased parking on street. Below is the response from the City of Surrey.

How will you solve parking issues for residents and visitors to the area’s strata developments?

City streets are a shared resource, so finding the right balance of use can be a challenge. Street parking may be convenient, but it can also negatively affect traffic operation safety and road capacity. Our street network performs best when roads are operated to serve their intended purposes. For arterial roads like 160 Street, that’s the efficient and safe movement of vehicles, buses and bicycles, not vehicle storage. Collector and local roads, however, often provide some parking supply.

Residential on-site parking standards meet most needs most of the time. The residential developments adjacent to this portion of 160 Street exceed the required parking supply of two spaces per owned unit and seven visitor spaces. For example, 15989 Mountain View Drive has a total supply of 58 resident and 9 visitor spaces for 29 dwelling units on its site. All Stratas are encouraged to maintain their required supply of visitor parking and to encourage residents to use garage space as intended for vehicle storage.

See full updates with designs at https://www.surrey.ca/files/160StreetWideningProjectUpdate_Revised_Design_2018Nov1.pdf




Sent on behalf of the Strata President

Roger Morin

Wills Creek| Creating Community, Experience the difference

By Tom