1- October Crime Maps for South Surrey – The attached maps show reported incidents for Auto Crime, Robbery and Break and Enter

2-  Pack the PC is back – Come see us Thursday Nov 28th at Thrifty Foods in Morgan Crossing for an opportunity to meet your Community Response Unit and donate to the Food Bank. We’ll be onsite from 4:00pm-8:00pm. *If you would like to donate but are unable to make it on Nov 28th, please drop by the South Surrey Police Office and leave your donation at the Front Counter, we’re located at 100-1815 152nd st *

3-  Bylaws information session Wednesday November 20th 6:30pm-8:00pm- Please join us for an overview on Surrey Bylaws including homelessness, nuisance properties, marijuana as well as information on reporting. To save your seat please email: E_Surrey_Community_Programs_Requests@rcmp-grc.gc.ca*This is open to Block Watch Captains’, Co-Captains’ and participants*

4- October Successes– Our Community Response Unit worked with Bylaws to shut down 4 different problem properties in the month of October within South Surrey. These properties ranged from a local hangout for highschool students, to a residence of a known property offender who was arrested for an outstanding warrant. If it wasn’t for residents reporting all suspicious activity happening within their neighbourhood we wouldn’t have been able to see such success, so thank you for taking the time to report!

5- CRA Scam – Please see attached example of a scam email that was received by a Block Watch Captain. Things to look for in scam emails:

  • Look at the email address being used- In the attached example it’s being sent from @telenet.be – This address doesn’t make sense
  • Look at grammar, punctuation and proper use of English “Request for refunds are time limited”- This doesn’t make sense
  • The CRA does not use email as a way of communication

Sent on behalf of the Safety and Security Committee



By Tom