Further to our October 14th walkthrough a huge Thank you to all the ownership for the upkeep of their yards! It is a pleasure doing a walkthrough of our development and appreciating our beautiful environment.

Two reminders:

1. Ensure there are no dog droppings left on your grass in your yard – Vista will not cut grass where this occurs, and we do have a Wills Creek by-law adhering to this and an owner could be fined.

  • 5.11 A pet owner must ensure that a Permitted Pet is kept quiet, controlled and clean. Any excrement on common property or on land that is a common asset, including without limitation the Common Building and Facility, must be immediately disposed of by the pet owner.

2. Ensure that window wells do not have anything obstructing them as they must always be clear for emergency exits.

Sent on behalf of the Landscape Committee

Wills Creek|Creating community, Experience the difference

By Tom

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