The following incident was reported by our neighbouring Block Watch

FILE NUMBER:  16-4083

DATE & TIME:  Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 1:50 a.m.

LOCATION:  28A Avenue between 160A Street and 161 Street


This morning we were awoken by our exterior perimeter alarm at 1:50 a.m. When we went out on our balcony we witnessed an individual attempting to gain access to vehicles on 28 A Ave, between 160 A Street and 161 Street, by pulling on the driver side door handles.  The individual appeared to be female (due to the way she moved and walked), slight to medium build, about 5’ 6”, Caucasian, was wearing a ball cap, but no hair showing from under the cap, dark clothing, carrying a red backpack and was pushing a bike (mountain bike style) with no fenders, sturdy frame and fat tires. We could not see if the individual had any weapons or tools.  When she reached the corner of 161 Street and 28A Avenue she mounted the bike and headed south up 161 Street toward 28th Avenue.  

The RCMP were called, 2 patrol cars attended, one officer came and took a statement from us and then checked the vehicles for any evidence of a break-in while the other patrolled the area.    

Prior to us witnessing this individual, it is very likely she had already attempted to/or may have already broken into vehicles in the alley (for those who share the alleyway on 160 Street and 160A Street) as well as the vehicles on 28B Ave and 161 Street so please check your vehicles and report anything suspicious to the non-emergency line (604-599-0502) as well as an email to me. 

Thanks for your ongoing support everyone!

 Mary Ann Aldus

Block Watch Captain District 5-363

Home:  604-531-4996

Cell:     604-813-7852


By Tom