Apologies for the late entry but I would like to share an update on the Christmas Adopt a Family,

Our annual Wills Creek Christmas Social took place on Sunday Dec 6th and a great time was had by all who attended!  Santa stopped by to visit with the kids and afterwards the adults came together to mingle, share treats and bring support/donations for our adopted families.  We are extremely excited and overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone who supported our fundraiser – whether through monetary donations at the event (and afterwards), gift donations, purchasing raffle tickets or 50/50 tickets – we raised over $1700 and as a result we were able to sponsor 3 families in total (9 kids and 4 adults)!!  Each family received clothes, toys, movie passes, books and groceries as part of their Christmas deliveries.  On behalf of the Surrey Christmas Bureau and the Wills Creek Social Committee we want to send a HUGE Thank You to all!!  Because of your generosity, three families had a very special Christmas!


Wills Creek Social Committee


By Tom