Adopt-A-Family Update
Below are some of the things the Social Club purchased from the funds raised during the Christmas Social Club fundraiser in support of our Adopt-A-Family . Over $1400 was raised.…
Creating community, Experience the difference
Below are some of the things the Social Club purchased from the funds raised during the Christmas Social Club fundraiser in support of our Adopt-A-Family . Over $1400 was raised.…
Fun and Festive Afternoon at Wills Creek! Our annual Wills Creek Christmas Social took place on Sunday Dec 6th and a great time was had by all who attended! Santa…
Attention Block Watch Members, Throughout December, the Surrey RCMP will be inviting the community to help “Pack the Police Car” with non-perishable food, gifts, cash donations, and other needed items…
It’s that time of year, theft of Christmas Decorations starting.
See attached pictures of a large selection of gift baskets crafted and donated by members of the Wills Creek Social Club for raffle. Each of the beautifully prepared baskets contain…