Ladder available for resident use
There is a ten foot aluminum ladder available for anyone wishing to borrow it. It is in the Telus/Shaw room on the 3109 side of the complex. Please contact Jo…
Creating community, Experience the difference
There is a ten foot aluminum ladder available for anyone wishing to borrow it. It is in the Telus/Shaw room on the 3109 side of the complex. Please contact Jo…
Come join in the fun at the Wills Creek Hallowe’en Spooktacular, see details
Good Afternoon Block Watch Members, I would like to invite you all to attend the Ocean Park Library on October 20th from 10:00 to 11:00 AM to meet Sergeant Sunner,…
Good Afternoon Block Watch Members, As part of a province-wide campaign, Surrey RCMP’s Traffic Services has been focusing its enforcement efforts on distracted driving this month. To highlight this enforcement…
Hello Block Watch Members, On October 17th from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM the City of Surrey will be holding a Focus on Seniors Forum: Financial Awareness at the Newton…