In a recent post it was reported water damage and black mold was discovered during a bathroom renovation in Phase 4. See pic below.

Since that time several other bathroom renovation either completed, or currently in progress have revealed varying degrees of water damage or mold as well. If you are experiencing any musty smells it could be as a result of mold and should be investigated by a qualified contractor to determine if there is any evidence of water damage. See pics below of another recent renovation where water damage was also detected.
There are lots of qualified contractors available and due diligence is stressed before hiring any contractor ensuring all Worksafe certificates, permits, and liability insurance are in place. Black Belt Construction completed this job and is currently working in the complex on other units. The purpose of this email is not to alarm homeowners or promote any individual company but to highlight the level of deterioration in some of the units that are only 10 years old. However, if you are thinking or planning renovations in the near future, this company is professional and their level of detail is excellent. As per Strata bylaws, Strata Council must be notified of any renovations before hand.

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