Election Candidates for your information
See below noted link for information on all the Candidates in the upcoming municipal election. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/surrey-election-heres-whos-running-for-city-council-in-2018
Creating community, Experience the difference
See below noted link for information on all the Candidates in the upcoming municipal election. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/surrey-election-heres-whos-running-for-city-council-in-2018
Anyone wishing to download, fill out, and send in the public feedback form outlining their concerns regarding the widening of 160th Street can do so by following the link below.…
The Wills Creek Social Committee invites you to join us at the Clubhouse on Halloween night. Bring your Halloween Treats for the kids and come mingle with neighbors and friends.…
Connecting with our Neighbours on issues
See list of crimes in South Surrey for the month of September. The attached maps include reported theft from vehicles, theft of vehicles, robberies, and break and enters. I have…