NOTE: ACCESS FOR TELUS/SHAW Access to electrical/telephone room If you are having Telus, Shaw or another internet, cablevision or telephone service provider attend your home the technician will likely require…
Creating community, Experience the difference
NOTE: ACCESS FOR TELUS/SHAW Access to electrical/telephone room If you are having Telus, Shaw or another internet, cablevision or telephone service provider attend your home the technician will likely require…
EXTERIOR INACCESSIBLE WINDOW CLEANING Men in Kilts has been contracted to clean all exterior inaccessible windows at Wills Creek. This cleaning will be completed by tucker pole and will be…
Surveillance Camera tips.
Block Watch News & Safety Tips
September is Distracted Driving Awareness month, so ICBC has forwarded me this great infographic that I’ve copied into the body of this email as well as attached so you can…