Poll Safety
With the pool now open for the enjoyment of owners, just a friendly reminder that users owners must abide by the rules which are posted in the pool area and…
Creating community, Experience the difference
With the pool now open for the enjoyment of owners, just a friendly reminder that users owners must abide by the rules which are posted in the pool area and…
1- April is Auto Crime Awareness Month– Our Auto Crime Target Team is a specialized unit who’s sole mandate is to identify and target auto crime offenders. In the past…
See the attached information from our RCMP district 5 Block Watch coordinator. Included are a number of PDF documents. Please be sure to scroll through all the pages of the…
Attached is a digital version of our new Block Watch Program Manual. These manuals were rolled in January as part of the RCMP’s re-branding and commitment to Block Watch. In…
1- Stolen Auto Recovery List– There were 3 vehicles stolen from South Surrey between Jan 30-Feb 5. Once of those vehicles has since been recovered just down the street from…