Break-into Vehicle/Garage
Sometime during the past couple weeks, a resident on the 3122 side of complex had their vehicle broken into and the garage door opener used to break into the garage.
Creating community, Experience the difference
Sometime during the past couple weeks, a resident on the 3122 side of complex had their vehicle broken into and the garage door opener used to break into the garage.
This week is Crime Prevention Week, check out the City of Surrey Crime prevention website for more information. Also see attached bulletin on Discarded Needles. Click on PDF Document to…
See info on emergency preparedness from Surrey Crime Prevention attached. Also check out our emergency preparedness page on this website. Sent on behalf of the Safety and Security Committee
See Surrey Crime Prevention news below
See list of crimes in South Surrey for the month of September. The attached maps include reported theft from vehicles, theft of vehicles, robberies, and break and enters. I have…