Dear owners, the following information is provided as an update on some of the projects undertaken by your council on your behalf. Also included is an update on the ongoing discussions with Corix and Northbridge in attempts to bring these negotiations to a successful conclusion.

Entrance Lighting 3122 side of complex
Lighting on 3122 has been modified to provide a more reliable light distribution with enhanced safety features. We encourage all homeowners to direct their comments towards the landscaping committee as we would appreciate your feedback.

Pedestrian walkway repair
This year we are planning on repairing approx 30 ft of walkway which has experienced soft conditions during heavy rains. It has taken us some time to find a suitable contractor and develop a procedure for repair so repairs will commence as soon as the weather permits. Unfortunately it will be necessary to shut down the walkway during this time and we apologize for the inconvenience this will cause.

Arterial Roadway widening 160 Street
A recent notice has been released by your strata to inform all homeowners on the pending open house information session conducted by the City of Surrey to address any concerns with this project and the impact on homeowners. We encourage ALL homeowners to attend this meeting and voice your concerns. The homeowner MUST be fully aware of the impact which this will have on their units, and if you have ANY concerns this meeting is the place to add your voice. Please make yourself available to attend this open house meeting.

Corix and Northbridge negotiations
Many of you have been waiting for additional information on the current state of affairs regarding the on going negotiations with Corix and Northgate. We do apologize for the lack of timely information however, there have been no significant changes to report. Negotiations are challenging and continue to take place, discussions are held weekly, this is a common occurrence with matters of this nature. We should not be expecting a quick settlement as these types of negotiations never happen on a set time frame, and most never conclude on a set date (hence the current negotiations with NAFTA). We continue to have these discussions and remain confident the events are moving in the right direction. I encourage all homeowners to be patient and will be providing all homeowners an update at the SGM.

Improved Wills Creek Website from REMax
ReMax is n the final stages of releasing their improved website for Wills Creek. Council members are being asked to provide feedback and evaluation. The expected release to the homeowners is first week of Oct.

We are currently finalizing the date for our SGM, tentatively set for mid Oct. We are in the process of locating a suitable venue to host the meeting, and preparing all the require documents. We expect to release the notice within the next few days. Your council understands fully, that we need to secure a final budget for the remainder of the year. This will be explained at the SGM. We encourage all homeowners to make themselves available to attend this meeting.

Your Council
Just a reminder to all homeowners that your Council representatives are also homeowners in our complex and have agreed to volunteer their time for the benefit of all. Please keep in mind a large percentage of them also have full time jobs outside of their duties as Council members. Many times the burden of a full time employment, responsibilities with family and of volunteering for strata can be challenging on their available time. We ask that all homeowners keep this in mind. Thank you for your understanding.

Council Meetings
As homeowners, you are always welcome to attend the first half of our strata council meetings which are held in our club house. Notices for any upcoming Council meetings are posted to our website and sent out by our property management group. We encourage you to take part in our meetings, and ask questions or offer comments, remember this is your strata.

President Roger Morin

Wills Creek| Creating Community Experience the Difference


By Tom