Connecting with our Neighbours on issues

Widening if 160th Street
Last week your council hosted a Neighbourhood Strata Council discussion at Wills Creek. In attendance were the Council representatives from Prima & Hearthstone Stratas. BLU Living was invited however could not attend.
Each and every strata property had similar and unique challenges which will take place during or after the widening of 160th Street. As an example, Hearthstone stated that the vacant land adjacent to their existing Strata is scheduled for development adding an additional 20 units into an already very congested area which will cause traffic flow issues within their complex. Shared access to roadways is also another serious issue which other Stratas need to address.
It was noted that the City of Surrey’s “high-density housing plan” was not being addressed appropriately with infrastructure development, which typically follows many years later. All one has to do, is look no further than the development taking place in the area of 160 and 24 Ave.

On our discussion platform was the current project of widening 160th Street, and how it will affect residents of this area from our combined Stratas. After discussing everyone’s concerns and listening to comments from other Strata representatives and homeowners, it was clear there was NO support for this project as presented with the current design. Therefore, it was agreed that all Strata Councils would undertake the following action:
• Continued with independent opposition of this project
• Look at ways to establish a combined opposition to this project with all Stratas voicing their concerns to the City of Surrey
• Take advantage of the current municipal election to draw attention to the issues faced with the 160th development
• Ask all homeowners to take a more aggressive approach to send in feedback forms and general emails or letters of discontent with this project

City of Surrey 160 street Response doc
• Email and notification blitz to all significant people on city council, which includes candidates for this year’s municipal elections
• Public media blitz, Twitter, Facebook, PeaceArch News, Surrey Now.
• Make noise get noticed! This is what brings forward change

Below you will find email addresses for influential members of City of Surrey who you can contact to address your / our concerns for the proposed widening of 160th street;
Remember to make some noise with the City of Surrey, bring your matters and issues to the front of their agenda.

Wills Creek information session regarding the widening of 160th.
I was glad to see a good turn out to our information session with residents from 3122. During this session, homeowners were given a chance to express their concerns about the 160th street widening project. Many had attended the open house presented by the City of Surrey, (which I was glad to see).
I also provided an update on our recent meeting with other neighbouring Stratas (see above comments). As well we discussed the next steps for Wills Creek which includes a petition which is currently circulating to all homeowners, for your signature. Once the petition has been completed, it will be sent to the City of Surrey Council. Strata council will continue to monitor this situation.

Maintenance Meeting
The date of the maintenance committee meeting has been changed to Oct 23 2018, start time will remain the same. Please make note of this on your calendar. All are welcome to attend. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Scheduling challenges 

Happy Thanksgiving
Your Strata Council would like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving long weekend. Allow for extra room in your wardrobe selection this weekend 

Roger Morin

By Tom