On this Remembrance Day and the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice which ended WWI, your Strata Council would like to share fitting comments by the Prime Minister of Canada as he attended memorial events in France on behalf of all Canadians

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Remembrance Day:
“Today, we honour every Canadian who has served and sacrificed so we may live free. We fall silent to acknowledge a debt we can never repay. We remember.

“One hundred years ago today, the Armistice between Germany and the Allies ended the First World War. As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armistice, we also mark Canada’s Hundred Days.
“During the ‘100 Days Offensive,’ Canadians spearheaded attacks that overcame the last lines of German defences and paved the way to final victory. These soldiers were the face and strength of a young country that sacrificed beyond measure and never faltered in its duty.

“Their bravery garnered the respect and admiration of the world, and marked a turning point for Canada. We began to define ourselves as a country – a force on the world stage, confident, and in control of our own destiny.
“Since then, every generation of Canadians has stepped forward to serve. Thousands have fought, and continue to fight, to defend the principles of peace, freedom, and democracy around the world.

“At 11:00 am, I call on all Canadians to observe the two minutes of silence. We remember every Canadian who has sacrificed their future for generations beyond their own. We stand today, free and at peace, because of them.
“Lest we forget.”

On Remembrance Day, we stand solemnly together to extend our unending gratitude for all those who gave their lives, and show our respect to Veterans, members of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and others, who have served in the cause of peace and freedom.



Strata Business

Communication via ReMax
It has come to our attention that many homeowners have been dissatisfied with the current response time by ReMax to address your emails. Your council is working with ReMax to address these concerns.
I would like to make a few comments in regards to these matters.

Firstly, if your email has gone unanswered, please follow up with another email to ReMax to kindly remind them of a pending response. There are instances due to work load and volume of emails where some communication “fall through the cracks” This can happen to the best of us.

Secondly, As you know Wills Creek is very unique in the current challenges which we are dealing with. These challenges are not taken lightly, and do require a considerable amount of focused concentration when dealing with comprehensive legal and technical issues. Many of these challenges are entering a time sensitive phase, and we must stay focused towards the details and ensuring not only timely resolve to these matters, but also providing our legal partners with accurate technical and comprehensive details to facilitate closure.

Unfortunately this intense focus must take precedence at the moment and many homeowners may see their request go unanswered or the time period for responding may not be within reasonable time lines. For this we ask for your understanding and consideration as we work through addressing these challenging projects. Rest assured your emails and communications are being addressed, and those which require an immediate response or attention are being dealt with the urgency they require.

Welcome Direct Communication
Just a brief reminder to all homeowners, your current strata council members are always available to address any of your comments or concerns, they are part of this community just like yourself and can be seen walking around, walking their pets or speaking with fellow homeowners. As well many of them may already be your neighbours. Therefore, please take the time to “get to know” your council. We welcome direct feedback from our homeowners


Current Issues
Your council has approved the rework, correction and continuation of our rain gutter program to control or redirect surface ground water. However the contractor was 8 weeks behind schedule at the last briefing, therefore you will notice down spout extension installed to redirect roof discharge. We will keep you posted as this project develops

Changes to Maintenance Committee Administration
Ken Smith (previous council member) has agreed to take over as Chairman Maintenance Committee, effective immediately. Ken is well versed in the day to day and long term maintenance plans for Wills Creek. Please join me in providing Ken your support and understanding during this period of transition. Ken, thank you for taking on this responsibility. Ken will be supported by a great maintenance committee who are “in tune and knowledgeable” with the requirements of Wills Creek.


Lighting and equipment in the Amenities Building

In an effort to do our part to reduce energy consumption you may have noticed exterior garage, bollard, and entry way lighting have been changed to more efficient and cost saving LED. Additionally, all the lighting in the amenities building have now been switched over to LED and a timer installed in the gym. Thanks to members of the Amenities Committee for changing out these lights. Please help reduce energy costs by closing windows and turning off lights in bathrooms and other areas of the Amenities building when you leave.

As many owners may be aware, the equipment in the gym for the most part is original issue however, it is now starting to show it’s age. Unfortunately the equipment supplied at the time was not commercial grade and due to the wear and tear the life expectancy is drawing near. As an example, recently one of our treadmills stopped working and has been taken out of service due to the increased costs and frequency of repairs.  To address this issue and be a bit proactive, the Amenities Committee will be working with Strata Council to develop a long term plan to budget and replace this aging equipment.



Roger Morin

Strata Council President

Wills Creek| Creating Community, Experience the Difference


By Tom