Dear Homeowners

By now you would have received the notice for our SGM , and I trust you have had ample time to review the contents.

As I have said in the past, “this will be the most important decision you will evey make while living at Wills Creek”. For this we have allowed a considerable amount of time from release of the notice until the information meeting which is scheduled for October 29, 2019. This is to allow all homeowners to engage with any member of the strata council to have any questions or concerns addressed.

Therefore I encourage each and every homeowner to connect with a current strata council member to learn more about the this SGM.

Current council members are as follows:
Roger Morin
Eric Batut
Tom Jones
Ken Smith
Joe Vallee
Dave Newbold
Alan Reynolds

Please do not hesitate to connect with your council members, we are eager to help you better understand the actions of this SGM

Roger Morin

By Tom