Stats for mail theft have just been released for Aug 1- Oct 31, 2017 :

Reported mail theft counts for South Surrey have decreased over the past 3 months. The most targeted seem to be apartment/townhouse complexes and community mailboxes. With the holiday season upon us, we typically do see an increase in thefts over the winter months. Criminals have been known to follow the Canada Post truck around and as packages are being delivered, they snatch them up for themselves.

Some helpful tips in preventing mailbox theft:

1. Pick up your mail as soon as possible after it gets delivered. Do NOT leave it in your car

2. Have packages delivered to your workplace, or to someone who you know is home during delivery times
3. Avoid sending cash or gift cards in the mail
4. Try getting your credit card statements or bills sent to you electronically
5. Shred documents that contain personal information – We have several Shred A Thon dates throughout Surrey every year to combat fraud and identity theft.

6. Contact police immediately if you see any suspicious activity around a mailbox.

Surrey non-emergency number 604-599-0502 or 911 for crimes in progress.

 * If you see any overturned or vandalized Canada Post community mailboxes you can contact them directly at 1-800-267-1177 * as well as report it to the non-emergency number.

Thank you for your commitment to community, see attached PDF for more information.


 Leanne Bruce
Community Programs Coordinator and 
Sent on behalf of the Safety and Security Committee
“Creating Community – Experience the Difference”

By Tom