Theft of mailRecently the mailboxes on the 3109 side of the complex have been broken into and mail stolen. As always if you see any suspicious activity in and around the complex, please contact the local police.
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Theft of mailRecently the mailboxes on the 3109 side of the complex have been broken into and mail stolen. As always if you see any suspicious activity in and around the complex, please contact the local police.
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SNATCHED AGAIN! I strongly urge residents to pick up their mail on a daily bases. This daily routine is our best defence!
Unfortunately we live in a world of crooks and entitlement and the only way we can protect ourselves from this is to be proactive.
Not all thieves are scholars as a matter of fact most are not!
I would like to purchase ” Under Surveillance” signs that we can stick above the mailboxes (not necessarily permanently) and see if this will deter the thieves from breaking into our mailboxes.
I once belonged to a community block watch and the constable told us, placing alarm stickers on our windows, even if we did not have alarms, was an inexpensive way of protecting ourselves from being broken into.
I understand there’s a significant cost factor to Canada Post in providing us with more secure mailboxes, and this problem will not go away if either they or residents in our neighbourhood don’t take steps to prevent this problem.
I’d like to suggest we start with a sign above the mailboxes, stating they are being watched……and hopefully it will encourage them to move on. Also, if we all empty our mailboxes reqularily, the message will get back to these pack of wolves, that we are not a worthy stop for them because we empty our boxes on a regular bases. If you are unable to do so, a hold on your mail or having a neighbour or family member pick up your mail, is always a good idea.
I encourage feedback about this problem!
Will look into getting Under Surveillance signs.
We also suggest you send an email to Canada Post through their online contact.
Here is a text I sent:
Our mailbox at [Address Edited] was vandalized last week. When can we expect to get this repaired? Canada Post must make their mail-boxes sturdier and stronger so they are less likely to be able to be vandalized. Do you have plans to do so?
The hours of service at the Cloverdale Depot in Surrey are very inconvenient as they close at 3:00 pm.
How are you supposed to get your mail when you work? These hours should be extended. Having only Friday pick-up till 6:00 is not sufficient with the amount of vandalism in our area.
Thank you.