Fellow homeowners,

As summer 2020 draws to a close, I just wanted to reflect briefly on what will surely go down as one of the most challenging times in our strata’s short history. Of course I am speaking about your council’s efforts to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, while attempting to maintain a rational budget, keep current with all maintenance and landscaping plans, and most importantly maintain and ensure the health and safety of all while providing some degree of normalcy for our strata and homeowners. 

A special thanks to our homeowners and their families and friends for adhering to our COVID-19 Safety Plan and guidelines put in place to ensure your safety while at the same time allowing you to still enjoying the lovely surroundings and facilities our strata has to offer. I am pleased to report, that our COVID-19 plan has been accepted by all and working as planned to keep everyone safe.   Please note that until the provincial COVID -19 restrictions are lifted or relaxed, our plan remains in affect even after the pool and hot tub closes for the season.

Through team work, and collaboration of the various committee members, volunteers, council members, and yourselves, I am happy to report so far we have achieved our goals. You have once again shown your never ending contributions to the success of our community which has paid off – thank you all for making a difference.

I would also like to provide a special thank you to my fellow council members, many of whom wear multiple hats and sit on various committees. Thank you for your never ending support and contribution to our community.

Although all committees play an important role in the success of our community, I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight and shine a light on work carried out by our Maintenance Committee chaired by Ken Smith. Once again this year provided many challenges as we try to catch up on some long overdue exterior maintenance. Wood repairs continue and this year we made a serious dent in the progression of replacement of effected wood trim areas. Rome was not built in a day however, Ken and his team have managed to accomplish a great deal so far this year prioritizing projects, staying on track, and staying within budgets.

Shortly, our Maintenance Committee will be overseeing some minor roof upgrades, as part of our ongoing efforts to control longer term cost and mitigate any risks. The good news is because our complex was constructed in several stages, ongoing efforts to maintain every aspect of the building envelope does not have to be completed all at the same time and can be scheduled as part of our long term planning and forecasting cycle. So as one project comes to a close another is gearing up.

The final painting phase is nearing completion thank to Joe Vallee for his efforts in coordinating these activities and reviewing progress reports. What a difference some paint will make? Our strata painting project is nearly completed and looks fantastic. Thank you all for your patience and your understanding over the last 3 years while this project was undertaken.

I would also like to touch briefly on safety and security. Thank you Tom Jones and his team of volunteers on the Safety and Security Committee for their efforts towards addressing  and keeping our strata informed and advising on these important issues.   As many of you know there has been a rash of “vehicle break ins” occurring in our complex while vehicles are parked in driveways or on the garage apron. Our Safety and Security Committee is working with the Surrey RCMP to address this matter in a timely fashion as well as the overall increase in criminal activities in the area.  However, I must stress that each and every homeowner is the first line of defense. You must remove all valuables from your vehicles (regardless if you feel they are not valuable, they may be to someone else). I would also like to encourage all homeowners to use their garage for its intended purpose – parking of vehicles. Remember the old adage: “out of sight out of mind” The more vehicles that homeowners park on their aprons, the more opportunities you will provide the criminals to continue to return. Don’t provide them a “target rich environment” to function. One last word of caution, please do not leave your garage door opener in your vehicle. This is a key to your house and provides easy access to your garage and home day or night.

The Landscaping Committee and it’s volunteers is another committee whos’ efforts are greatly appreciated and have not gone unnoticed. You will notice that a large cedar tree (cluster) was taken down this summer, just behind the pool area. This was no small feat, give the size of the tree. However, strata were not left with any other option, as the tree started to die rapidly and presented many safety challenges for our strata. With the current and foreseeable future maintenance activities in this area, unfortunately we are in no hurry to fully remediate this area however, this will come in time.  I have asked our Maintenance and Landscape Committees to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to start discussions early (Jan – Feb 2021) on the best plan to replant this area and provide recommendations to Strata Council. However, short term remediation of the area, may be required to control dust, mud and winter drainage runoff. Full remediation of this area will be tabled for the following year budget. So again a huge thanks to the Landscape Committee, our strata looks wonderful – again.

In summary you can see all of our committees have been “busy little beavers” again this year. I have only slightly touched on some of the more noticeable projects within our strata. However, there are hundreds of smaller projects which go un-noticed, but still require full involvement by our committees to address. The physical maturity of this complex is starting to show, it is really looking good.

As summer comes to a close, and it will be one to remember. Let’s us all continue to work together to control the spread of COVID-19, and to keep our family, friends and neighbours safe. As we say goodbye to many long term homeowners and friends whom have moved, we also welcome the new homeowners, and soon to be new friends into our community.  I encourage you to take part in any of our various committees and help your community grow in a positive direction.

Next year, God willing, we will return with the many social events and gatherings traditionally organized by our Social Committee. Thanks to these folks who also volunteer their time as well.  

Therefore, join me in thanking all the folks that help keep our community safe and beautiful, making Wills Creek one of the more desirable places to live in South Surrey. 

Best Wishes


Wills Creek|Creating community, Experience the difference

By Tom