Please be aware that there are newly erected stop signs at the exits of both driveways at Wills Creek. These stop signs have been installed due to a number of near misses where drivers leaving the complex have had close encounters with pedestrians inĀ the cross walks or vehicles on 160 and 161st. Residents are reminded that you are required by law to stop before crossing a side walk and must yield to pedestrians.

Your safety and the safety of other is of the utmostĀ importance so please ensure you stop before crossing the sidewalk and entering the roadway.

You will also notice that several of the visitor parking signs have been replaced as a result of people backing in the signs causing them to bend.

The safety and Security Committee would like to Ken Smith (Maintenance Committee) for his efforts in taking on these project. Thanks

Sent on behalf of the Safety and Security Committee

“Creating Community, Experience the difference”

By Tom