Visitor Parking: It has been brought to the attention of Council that ownership may not be aware of our Visitor Parking By-Laws and Rules. In order to respect all of our ownership and our community it is necessary for these By-laws and Rules to be understood and that all ownership complies. Be aware that towing will be strictly enforced. The By-Laws and Rules can be reviewed from the RE/MAX site once you register and subscribe. They are also attached for your review.

We specifically wish to bring your attention to 3 areas that seem to be continually abused and we ask for your attention to these areas.

1. A Parking Pass is required for overnight parking for Visitors only. Residents are not permitted to use the Visitor Parking spots.
2. Any guest staying more than 48 hours in any 30 day period must notify the Strata Manager by email before or at the time the parking use starts. Our Strata Council offers approval to extensions for Visitor Parking only for specific health reasons and/or hardships and the time must be specified.
3. Vehicles parked overnight without the approved pass are subject to towing without notice. To date The Strata Council has been giving a notice but it is now necessary to tow without such a notice.

Thank you.


Sent on behalf of the Strata Council

Bylaws-2016-02-23-2 RULES-2016-01-20-2


By Tom