Good Morning Block Watch Members,

As the Surrey RCMP continues to focus its efforts on reducing property crime, police advise of a recent trend in residential break and enters that specifically target vacant homes. In light of this information, police are reminding residents to properly secure their residences especially if they plan on being away this holiday season.

“According to our crime analyst reports, a large majority of our residential break and enters, thefts, and mischief calls this past November involved homes that were either under construction, being renovated, or have been abandoned or foreclosed,” says Corporal Scotty Schumann. “In some of the more rural areas of the city, nearly 60% of these calls have involved these types of residences.”

Thieves are targeting not only personal valuables inside the home but also construction tools and materials such as countertops, flooring, appliances, copper piping/wiring, or anything purchased but not properly installed.

Homeowners are encouraged to take some simple steps in order to prevent becoming a victim. These include properly securing doors and windows, using appropriate lighting, and considering installing security alarms and security cameras. If you own a home that you are not currently residing in, take the necessary steps to protect your investment. Don’t use your vacant home as an unmonitored storage facility and ensure you remove all valuables inside or properly secure those that are not fully installed. Consider hiring a handyman to keep the home and yard in good condition. Joining a Block Watch or starting one in your neighbourhood is also a great idea to more closely monitor crime in your community.

“As our city continues to grow, so does the demand for new housing. With this development comes the opportunity for thieves to target those newly constructed or redeveloped homes with weak security measures,” says Cpl. Schumann. “Take the time to properly secure your home and report all crime or suspicious activity to police. Sometimes a simple phone call about an out of place vehicle on your street can be the key to the further prevention of crimes in a community.”

There are six ways to report a crime in Surrey: 911 Emergency, Non-emergency call, Online Crime Reporting, in person at our District Offices, anonymously through Crime Stoppers, or text 9-1-1 for pre-registered deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired persons. For more information on protecting your property please visit the Protect Yourself section of our website.

Committed to serving the Community Your Surrey RCMP is committed to providing a sensitive, responsive, professional policing service for all Surrey communities. For more information about Surrey RCMP Programs & Services, how to Protect Yourself, or our latest News Releases visit




Surrey RCMP District 5  |   GRC De Surrey  District 5

South Surrey

100-1815 152nd Street, Surrey, BC  V4A 9Y9

T: 604-599-7862

F: 604-538-6098

By Tom