By now owners should have received in the mail their information package for the upcoming Information Meeting on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 and the Special General Meeting Wednesday, November 6, 2019 with respect to the outstanding legal action on warranty issues.

Your Strata Council urges all owners to read the information provided and attend both the Information Meeting and the Special General Meeting. Please note that the lawyer representing the strata corporation, Mr. Sat Harwood, Lesperance Mendes, will only be attending the Information Meeting on October 29, 2019.

The Information Meeting will be the only opportunity in which to ask questions of legal counsel. Attendance is extremely important. However, if there are any owners that are not able to attend the information session and would like to meet with Council in advance, please advise Roger Morin (Strata President). Or respond to this post. Also if you are not going to be at the SGM, it is extremely important to give your proxy to a friend or neighbour.

Sent on behalf of your Strata Council.

By Tom