1- Stolen Auto Recovery List– There were 3 vehicles stolen from South Surrey between Jan 30-Feb 5. Once of those vehicles has since been recovered just down the street from where it was stolen from. Tuesday and Wednesday saw the most vehicles stolen (Please see attached list)
2- Email Scam- I received the attached email scam to my personal email this morning and thought I would share. I am in fact a BMO client but I knew this was a scam because:
• That isn’t BMO’s logo
• The address listed at the bottom of the email doesn’t exist (I googled it)
• The email address it came from looked odd to me “@taoadmin.ca”
So what did I do? I forwarded the email to BMO’s actual in house fraud centre using an email address I found on their website and I checked my bank account by signing into it through my online banking and NOT by clicking the “Get Started” .
If you receive something similar to the attached DO NOT CLICK on any of the links. Either delete the email right away or forward it to the appropriate financial institution like I did and delete it.
* IF you do click something and you do happen to provide any personal details you NEED to report it to your financial institution so they can put a flag on your file and you should report it to the non-emergency line (604-599-0502) and create a records only file *