Attempted theft from vehicles

FILE NUMBER:  16-6810

DATE & TIME:  Saturday, Jan 16th at 5:55 a.m.

LOCATION:  28A Avenue between 160A Street and 161 Street


Our exterior perimeter alarm woke us up at 5:55 a.m. this morning.  When we went out on our balcony we witnessed a male trying the door handles of the vehicles on 28A Ave.  He tried both the driver’s side and passenger side of the cars on the south side of the street (on the road as well as those parked in the driveways) then crossed to the north side of 28A and tried all the vehicles including the ones parked in the driveways.  He continued west on 28A towards the alleyway on 160A Street and that is where we lost sight of him.  We suspect he went down the alleyway as we did not see him going down 160A Street.  The male was medium build (strong looking), about 6’ tall, Caucasian, was wearing a dark green coat with a hoodie, dark pants, running shoes.  No backpack.

The RCMP were called, but did not arrive until 6:35 a.m. and proceeded to patrol “the circle”  (28A/160A/28B/161) and then proceeded east on 28A Ave.  Please check your vehicles carefully, both driver and passenger side as well as the back hatch if you have one and report anything suspicious to the non-emergency line (604-599-0502) as well as an email to me quoting the above file number.

Thanks for your ongoing support everyone!

PS.  If anyone else is interested in an exterior wireless perimeter alarm you can check them out at Burglar Stop located at 24th and King George Boulevard.  They are motion activated and are battery operated and send a wireless signal to a monitor in your house.  Very easy to install and start at approximately $250.  They also give us a lot of peace of mind.

Mary Ann Aldus
Block Watch Captain District 5-363
Home:  604-531-4996
Cell:     604-813-7852

Reporting crime and suspicious activity matters.

By Tom