To allow homeowners to gain more information regarding the up and coming SGM, your council has set aside the following dates in which to provide information or address any questions you may have regarding this important issue at Wills Creek.

All meetings will take place in the Club House, seating is limited and based on a first come basis. 

Please note that we will not allow this limited space to be overcrowded and we ask that homeowners restrict themselves to only one homeowner per unit attend, allowing all homeowners an opportunity to attend these sessions 

Sept 25​​​​​ 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Oct 2​​​​​​ 7:00 – 8:30 PM

Oct 9​ ​​​​​7:00 – 8:30 PM

Strata council encourages all homeowners who attend, to bring their proxy forms which were attached to the SGM notification package.​

Sent on behalf of the Wills Creek Strata President, Roger Morin


By Tom